I don't like to buy much commercial trim (but do due to time constraints) because of the mostly glaringly obvious non-period materials and patterns. There's a great picture from a class that was presented and I use it as a good visual aid. I'm trying to find it now. Basically staying away from all of the super shiny metallic silver and gold stuff and sticking with trims that you usually find in the upholstery section is a good bet. That's actually where I found all three of my finds today. The trim pictured above is fairly simple being two twists of blue and gold laid side by side and stitched to the beige backing with light blue scalloped edges. It's just enough color and simple enough to go with the dress. Everything else I had was too modern or not in the right colors to be used. I'm hoping that with the 8 yards that I purchased I'll have enough. I was silly and forgot to measure the hem so I had to guess-timate. The thing is, I don't get out to that store often and the reel had the original sticker ripped off. So I couldn't tell you where to get this if I wanted to. I'll be keeping a swatch of course for future reference but I'm not sure what I'll do if I don't have enough to complete the dress...I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
I was planning on doing more work on the dress this evening but my DS decided not to nap today which meant that keeping him on track for bed time took two parents, not just the one. We also tried to move a bit of our stuff from the garage into our new shed in preparation for the winter delivery of wood pellets that keeps our home toasty warm during the winter. Perhaps I'll get some work done tomorrow! I have ironed out the muslin to cut the mock ups out of and I am really looking forward to pining them onto the dress to see if my patterning skills have rusted at all! That's all for now, hopefully I'll have more news after the weekend!
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